28 kwietnia 2018
Health care in Poland - EKUZ
Dlaczego wykonywanie badań profilaktycznych jest takie ważne?

If you are sick and feel ill and you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC),

you can make an appointment with a doctor at our medical clinic in Katowice.

Our qualified medical staff speaks English. Welcome!


Call us:  +48 (32) 7818704  or  +48 667937572

Come to us: ul. Stara Kłodnicka 43, 40-703 Katowice



Health insurance in Poland - Ubezpieczenie zdrowotne w Polsce.

Before studying abroad, it is important that foreign students have appropriate health insurance for the duration of their stay. You do not want to be surprised if you do not feel unexpected and become ill or injured while abroad. If you have to use health care in Poland, you will be treated in the same way as a resident of Poland. Remember, however, that every health system in each country is different and you may not receive the full treatment you can expect from the NHS. It may be necessary to pay the patient's contribution to the cost of care. For this reason, it is best to have adequate health insurance for the duration of your stay in Poland. Health insurance for foreigners in Poland depends largely on their country of origin.



Health care in Poland - opieka zdrowotna w Polsce.

The healthcare system in Poland is based on the general health insurance system. Subsidized health services are provided to Polish residents covered by general health insurance. This may be mandatory or voluntary. The standard of public health care in Poland is high; the medical staff is exceptionally well trained. The Ministry of Health is responsible for general policy, and the National Health Fund (NFZ), supported by regional branches, manages the health insurance system.



EU citizens - obywatele UE, karta zdrowotna EKUZ.

If you are an EU citizen in Poland who has a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or an E-111 form, you can get free public health care. This includes access to primary health care, specialist outpatient care, hospital treatment, dental treatment and ambulance transport. Emergency treatment and emergency treatment are generally free. In some cases you may be asked to pay in advance, but try not to do so. If you have to pay, make sure that you have received the appropriate receipt with each of the mentioned treatments.


Due to the bilateral agreement between Poland and Great Britain, British citizens can get free national health care in Poland. However, this contract does not cover all services, so before traveling you will most likely want to purchase additional health insurance. Students from several additional countries, including Sweden and Slovakia, can use Polish healthcare free of charge, and Czech students can use it in an emergency or sudden illness.



Citizens from outside the EU

If you are a foreign student from a non-EU country, you should take out health insurance before going to Poland. Foreign students are required to provide proof of adequate health insurance when applying for a student visa.



Private health care

Many people in Poland - both citizens and foreigners - use public connections and private health care. This is due to perceived shortcomings in the public healthcare system. The waiting time for public health care is usually long and the devices may not be exactly what foreign students are used to.




W naszej Przychodni przyjmujemy pacjentów z zagranicy z ważną kartą EKUZ.



Przychodnia Mark-Med / ul. Stara Kłodnicka 43, Katowice  / REJESTRACJA: 667 937 572




Katowice, ul. Stara Kłodnicka 43

Przychodnia Mark-Med w Katowicach - rejestracja pod nr telefonu 667 937 572

pn.-pt.: 8:00-18:00

Przychodnia Mark-Med w Katowicach
Przychodnia Mark-Med w Katowicach

Rejestracja: 667 937 572

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Podstawowa Opieka Zdrowotna

Pediatria i Neonatologia

Nasz adres:

ul. Stara Kłodnicka 43

40-703 Katowice (woj.śląskie)


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Zadzwoń do nas:

+48 (32) 7818704

+48 667 937 572


Od poniedziałku do piątku

8:00 - 18:00